" No Woman Stands Alone"
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Professional Moms In Action

We have all been through that stage of motherhood where we didn’t have the support we needed, where we felt alone or we didn’t have mom friends. We are a community of moms that support, encourage and uplift each other no matter our stage in motherhood.​
You can achieve anything you put your mind to.
Imagine being new to a city with no family or being a mom with so many unanswered questions about how to navigate in the area. Well, that person was our founder, Aleema. She was consistently looking for the opportunity to connect with like-minded women where they could support each other in everyday endeavors.
As her motherhood journey progressed and she met other moms along the way, the most common theme was that mothers were simply trying their best everyday. She soon realized that some moms were unsure about the process or some were simply figuring it out along the way. Her first thought was; we need a community where we never have to figure it out alone. A community that could support each other through all stages of motherhood while reminding ourselves that it is okay to balance a career and motherhood IF that is a choice.
Everyday the signs were there. The icing on the cake was witnessing a woman asking a store associate to show her how to install a car seat. Her request was turned down due to company policies and her disappointment was unimaginable.
After experiencing career changes and a new-found appreciation for mom friends, Professional Moms in Action was born where no woman has to navigate motherhood alone. We now have a loving and supportive community where we have each other to lean on and a safe space to grow/expand our businesses and careers.
"For every woman to thrive in all aspects of their lives."
Our Services

Business Connections

Let's Collaborate

Social Connections

Discover our Support System

Children's Activities

Develop the minds of the children

Meet the Founder!

The mom behind Professional Moms in Action.

Directly from moms just like YOU!

Nella-Maud Chapu

“I had a fantastic time at the meet up this morning that was held at Deerwood Rotary Club Children’s Park. My 25 month old had a blast. Thank you so much to all the other moms and the organizers. I loved the organizer. The group was very diverse, which is something that is very important to me. We will definitely be going to more events in the future”.

Anne Anderson

“The kids and I went to a great Mommy & Me event by Professional Moms in Action on Saturday. The kids got to burn off some energy, water, snacks, great mom conversations and made some fun tie dye shirts”

Jen Baldridge

"I recently moved to the area and was so grateful to learn about PMIA! It’s an amazing group that provides networking and an avenue for people like me to connect with others. I highly recommend coming to their events and getting connected!!

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Jacksonville, Florida, USA

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